Identifying object class in architecture design
- Approaches use a grammatical approach to identify objects and their behaviors. For example, nouns often represent potential objects while verbs indicate potential methods or behaviors.
- Base the identification on tangible things in the application domain
- Look for hierarchies and relationships between components in the architecture. Hierarchies may indicate inheritance relationships between object classes.
Design Model
- Design models show the objects and object classes and relationships between entities
- Structural models
- Subsystem models show how the design is organized into logically related groups
- Sequence models show the sequence of object interactions that take place
- State diagrams are used to show how objects respond to different service requests and the state transitions triggered by these requests
- Useful high-level models of a system or an object runtime behavior
- Relatively simple and a state model adds unnecessary detail
Examples of design models
- Class Models
- Subsystem
- Sequence models
- State machine models
Unified modeling language
- A standardized specification for analysis and design
- A language, not a model
- Allows for visualized design and architecture
- [[More UML Relationships]]
- The class represents a concept
- Encapsulates state and behavior
- Has a name and a type, and can be the initial value
- Each method has a signature: name, parameter, type, return
Access level |
Meaning |
Explanation |
+ |
Public |
The member is visible to all code in the application |
- |
Private |
The member is only visible to code inside the class |
# |
Protected |
The member is visible only to code inside the class and derived classes |
- |
Package |
The member is visible only to code inside the same package |
For more info on class protections and I/O read [[CPP_Review]]
- Specifies a contract
- Any other class that implements the interface must fulfill the contract
- Informally called "Inheritance" or "is A" relationship
- Generalization is a directed relationship between a more general class and a more specific class
- Multiple inheritance is allowed in UML
- The children classes inherit the attributes and operations of the parent class and can have additional ones
- Describes the presence of a relationship between classes
- The name of the association and multiplicity may be placed on the line
- The association end name is commonly referred to as role
- The professor is the author of a book; a book is used as a textbook by a professor
- The multiplicity of an association denotes how many objects the instance of a class can legitimately reference
- every book has at least one author, a professor can write as may books, including none
Multiplicity of Associations
Indication |
Meaning |
0..1 |
Zero or one |
1 |
One |
0..or * |
Zero or more |
1..* |
One or more |
n |
Only n (n > 1) |
0..n |
Zero to n (n > 1) |
1..n |
One to n (n > 1) |
- Captured in source code by means of reference properties
- A class can have an association with itself
- A special type of association denoting a part-whole relationship
- Parts can exist without the whole; when the whole is destroyed the parts aren't
- The exhaust system "consists of"
- Muffler "is part of " the exhaust system
- The tailpipe "is part of " the exhaust system
- Represents a "using" relationship
- If a change in the specification in one class affects another (but vice versa) there is a dependency