Version Control Systems
- Version control systems are software tools that help software teams manage changes to source code over time
- Allow you to efficiently track the history of a collection of files and revert to the previous or more recent version of the files.
- Each version captures a snapshot of files at a certain point in time
- working directory + store
- It contains a collection of files that make up the project
- The working directory contains a copy of the project files that is private to the developer
Repository Store
- The store contains the complete history of the project
- hidden file, `.git`, is the store
- The rest is the working directory
- The Centralized version control system each person works on the servers repository.
- More difficult to integrate
- Easier to administrate and control backups, access and progress
- The Distributed version control system each person has a repo that they can push to the main repository, the servers repository.
- Safer for the server
- Lighter direct load on the server
- Offline work
- Faster
- A distributed version control system
- Working directory Local copy of the repository where the user can make changes locally
- Staging index It is the place where a commit will be prepared. We can add changes in the index.
- Project History Displays the history of revisions to the project
- Commit is a atomic collection of changes to a repository.
- Contains all recored local modifications that lead to the new revision
- Contains info such as; Commit id, Commit branch, etc
- Branch represents an independent line of development
- Serve as an abstraction for the edit/stage/commit process
- Basically a brand new working directory, staging area, and project history
- Head Pointer is the pointer to the tip (last commit) of a branch and it is the parent of the next commit
Git Commands
- `git clone `
- Copies the repository to the working directory
- `git add `
- Make changes and add them to the staging area
- `git commit -m `
- Allows you to commit two changes 'e' and 'f'
- A new revision is created in your repository based on the state of the working directory
- Should have a short descriptive message attached
- `git pull `
- The command allows you to retrieve changes from a remote repository into your local repository
- Finish your work and commit before pulling
- `git push`
- A push propagates changes from a local repository
- `git merge `
- The command lets you take independent lines of development
- `git log`
- List of all commits made to a repository
- `git revert`
- revert a commit
- Atomic commits are small changes
- A Remote the place where your code is stored
Merging Actions
- The process of joining two branches into one
- Usually merging the last changes into your working directory
- Sometimes there are conflicts between these changes, the user is usually prompted to interactively resolve them
- After you merge you still need to commit your changes
- Supports quality assurance/ code quality/ and integration
- Isolate bugs
- ex. `git branch BugFix`