Complexity Analysis
- Establishing the relationship between the input size and the algorithm/ program time (and/or space) requirement.
- Estimate the time and space requirement for a given input size
- Compare algorithms
- Time Complexity: counting operations
- Count the number of operations that an algorithm will perform
- Asymptomatic analysis
- The Big O notation
- How fast time/space requirements increase as the input size approaches infinity
// number of outputs
// t(n) = n
for(i = 0; i < n, i++){
cout << A[i] << endl;
// number of comparisons
// t(n) = n-1
template<class T>
bool IsSorted(T *A, int n){
bool sorted = true;
for(int i=0; i<n-1; i++){
if(A[i]) > A[i+1]){
sorted = false;
return sorted;
Algorithm analysis covers the worst case (most of the time).
The average case is more useful, however, it is more difficult to calculate.
The complexity of a function is its input size. For instance...
$t(n) = 1000n$ vs. $t(n) = 2n^2$
if n doubled...
$t(n) = 1000n...$$1000*2n/1000n = 2$
- Time Will Double
$t(n) = 2n^2...$$2(2n^2) = 4n^3$
- Time increases by 4x
Scaling Analysis
- The constant factor does not change the growth rate and can be ignored
- We can ignore the slower-growing terms.
- Ex. $n^2+n+1$ ... $n^2$
- capturing $O(n^2)$
Example Problem
Algorithm 1: $t_1(n) = 100n+n^2$
- insert - $n$, delete - $log(n)$, lookup - $1$
Algorithm 2: $t_2(n) = 10n^2$
- insert - $log(n)$, delete - $n$, lookup - $log(n)$
Which is faster if an application has as many inserts but few deletes and lookups?
Asymptotic Complexity Analysis
- Compares the growth rate of two functions
- Variables & Values - Nonnegative integers
- Dependent on eventual (asymptotic) behavior
- Independent of constant multipliers, and lower-order effects
Big "O" Notation
$iff ∃ c, n_0 > 0 | 0 < f(n) < cg(n) ∀ n >= n_0$
- if there exists two positive constants $c>0$ & $n_0>0$ such that $f(n) ≤ cgn(n)$ for all $n ≥ n_0$
Big "Omega" Notation
$iff ∃ c, n_0 > 0 | 0 < cg(n) < f(n) ∀ n >= n_0$
- $f(n)$ is asymptotically lower bounded by $g(n)$
Big "Theta" Notation
$iff ∃ c_1, c_2, n_0 > 0 | 0 < c_1g(n) < f(n) < c_2g(n) ∀ n >= n_0$
- $f(n)$ has the same long-term growth as $g(n)$
$f(n) = 3n^2 + 17$
$Ω(1), Ω(n), Ω(n^2)$ -> lower bounds
- Chose $Ω(n^2)$ because it is the closest to the lower bound
- Set $∃$ to 3. So... $3(n^2)$
$O(n^2), O(n^3)$ -> upper bounds
- Chose $O(n^3)$ because it is the closest to the upper-bound
$θ(n^2)$ -> exact bound
Why f(n) != O(n)?
$f(n) = O(g(n))$ -> $(a <= b)$
$f(n) = Ω(g(n))$ -> $(a >= b)$
$f(n) = θ(g(n))$ -> $(a = b)$
Additive property
- If $e(n) = O(g(n))$ and $f(n)$ = $O(h(n))$
- Then...
- $e(n) + f(n) = O(g(n)) + O(h(n))$
Function |
Name |
c |
Constant |
$log(N)$ |
Logarithmic |
$log^2(N)$ |
Log-squared |
N |
Linear |
$N log N$ |
$N^2$ |
Quadratic |
$N^3$ |
Cubic |
$2^n$ |
Exponential |
Running time Calculations - Loops
for(j=0; j < n; ++j){
// 3 Atomics
- Each iteration has 3 atomics so $3n$
- Cost of the iteration itself ($c*n$, c is a constant)
- Complexity $θ(3n+c*n) = θ(n)$
Running time Calculations - Loops with a break
for(j=0; j < n; ++j){
// 3 Atomics
if(condition) break;
- Upper bound - $O(4n) = (n)$
- Lower bound - $Ω(4)= Ω(1)$
- Complexity - $O(n)$
Complexity Analysis
- Find n = input size
- Find atomic activities count
- Find $f(n)$ = the number of atomic activities done by an input
Sequential Search
for(size_t i= 0; i < a.size() ;i++){
if(a[i] == x){return}
// θ(n) time complexity
If then for loop
if(condition) i=0;
for(j =0; j < n; j++)
a[j] = j;
// θ(n) time complexity
Nested Loop Search
for(j =0; j < n; j++){
// 2 atomics
for(k =0; k<n; k++){
// 3 atomics
//θ(n^2) time complexity
Consecutive Statementss
for(j = 0; j < n; ++j){
// 3 atomics
for(j = 0; j < n; ++j){
// 5 atomics
// Complexity θ(3n + 5n) = θ(n)