Computer Science Notes

Notes From CS Undergrad Courses FSU

This project is maintained by awa03

Recap of Hash Table 1 Notes

  1. The basic idea of hash table is to approximate a giant array that is indexed by the key
  2. A hash table is an array where the index of the data is computed (by the hash function) based on the key of the data

Index = hash(key) % table_size;

  1. The situation when two keys are hashed into the same index is called a conflict or collision
  2. A good hash function doesn't remove all conflicts. It statistically minimized the probability of collision across the key space

Separate Chaining


Search with Separate Chaining

Inserting with Separate Chaining

Delete with Separate Chaining

Separate Chaining


template <typename HashedObj>
class HashTable
	explicit HashTable(int size=101);
	bool contains(HashedObj& x) const;

	void makeEmpty();
	bool insert(const HashedObj& x);
	bool insert(HashedObj&& x);
	bool remove(const HashedObj& x);

	vector<list<HashedObj>> theLists;
	int currSize;

	void rehash();
	size_t myhash(const HashObj& x) const;


Hashed Object

template <typename key>
class Hash {
	size_t operator()(const key& k) const;
template <>
class Hash<string>{ // Implementation
	size_t operator()(const string& key){
		// ...

Class Example

class Employee{
	const string& getName() const{
		return name;
	bool operator==(const Employee& rhs) const
		return getName() == rhs.getName();	
	bool operator!=(const Employee& rhs)const {
		return !(*this == rhs);
	string name;
	double salary;
	int seniority;
	// Aditional private members 
class hash<Employee>{
	size_t operator()(const Employee& item){
		static hash<string> hf;
		return hf(item.getName());

Separate Chaining

// Separate Chaining 
size_t myhash(const HashedObj& x){
	static hash<HashedObj> hf;
	return hf(x) % theList.size();

// Separate Chaining Cont'd
// More Function Definitions
void makeEmpty(){
	for(auto& theList: theList){


bool contains(const HashedObj& x) const{
	auto & whichList = theList[myhash(x)];
	return find(begin(whichList), end(whichList) != end(whichList));

bool remove(const HashObj& x){
	auto& whichList = theList[myhash(x)];
	auto itr = find(begin(whichList), end(whichList), x);

	if(itr == end(whichList)){
		return false;
	return true;

bool insert(const HashedObj& x){
	auto& whichList = theList[myhash(x)];
	if(find(begin(whichList), end(whichList), x) != end(whichList)){
		return false;

	// rehash... 
	if(++currentsize > theList.size()){
	return true;

Hash Tables without Chaining

Linear Probing

Insert (assume no duplicate keys)

  1. Index = hash(key) % table_size;
  2. If table[index] is empty, put informations (key and others) in entry table[index]
  3. If table[index] is not empty then, index++; index = index % table_size; goto 2

Search (key)

  1. Index = hash(key) % table_size;
  2. If (table[index] is empty) return -1 (not found)
  3. Else if (table[index].key == key) return index;
  4. index++; index = index % table_size; goto 2;



Quadratic Probing


// Nested within Hash Table class
enum EntryType{

struct HashEntry{
	HashedObj element;
	EntryType info;
	HashedEntry(const HashedObj& e = HashedObj{}, EntryType != EMPTY)
		: element{e}, info{|}{}
	HashEntry(HashedObj&& e, EntryType != EMPTY)
		: element{std::move(e)}, info{|}{}

Double Hashing