- Authorities and Hubs (Kleinberg' 1998)
- A Web page is a good authority -> pointed to by many good hubs
- A Web page is a good hub -> points to many good authorities
- Good hubs and authorities reinforce each other
- Authorities & Hubs form a bipartite sub-graph of the Web
- Rank(p) -> weight of Web page p
- $N_u$ -> outdegree of Web page u
- Edge u -> v gives $Rank(u) / N_u$ to webpage v
- $B_v$ -> Web pages pointing to v
- Rank(v) on the next iteration (i+1)
\forall v, Rank_{i + 1}(V) = \sum _{u \epsilon B_v}{\frac{Rank_i(u)}{N_u}}
- Fixpoint algorithm
- For N pages initialize the rank to 1/N
- Iteratively compute the Page rank equation
- Can be expressed as computing eigenvectors for a matrix
- Ranking Web pages by relevance to the Query
- Ranking Function
- Features (of a webpage)
- Static features
- Dynamic features
- Algorithms
- A big if statement
- Machine learning algorithm
- Fixpoint algorithm
- For N pages initialize the rank to 1/N
- Iteratively compute the Pagerank equation
- Can be expressed as computing eigenvectors for a matrix
- Page rank really has nothing to do with the user query. It is just the ranking of a certain webpage.
- Means we need features for the ranking function. This is why we have Dynamic Features