Live Forensics
- Involves analyzing a system or network that is up and running
- DFIR (Shorthand)
- Often happen in corporate environment
- Malware analysis
- Security. Cyber security is often important within live forensics
What we are looking at
- Data breaches
- Hackers - Intrusion to your network
- Data Breach
What we are collecting
- Live data
- Router and Firewall logs
- Running Processes
- Volatile Data including RAM
- Network Traffic
- Often done on scene
- Network Capture
- Live Forensic Boot Discs
- Memory Ferensic Tools
- Live Imaging
- FTK Imager
- EnCase Imager
- dd
Dead Box Forensics
- Also referred to as "Post Mortem" Analysis
- Done after the incident
- Usually in a lab - not in the field or on scene
- Looking for artifacts to find out what happened
- System has typically be shut down
- Hard drive or other media is what we are looking at
- SD Card
- Optical Drives
- USB Drives
- Seizure: how the device was taken, understanding the person who is collecting the data may not understand the scientific process
- The proper way to seize a device relys on numerous factors
- State of the system
- OS of the system
- Tools available on the scene
- Skill of the person seizing the system
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