Computer Science Notes

Notes From CS Undergrad Courses FSU

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Reflexive Pronouns

A reflexive pronoun is generally used to express the fact that someone is doing something to or for himself

The latter is the reflexive response. Some verbs always use a reflexive pronoun in German, whereas their English counterparts may not be.

Here are some common reflexive verbs:

In most instances the forms of the reflexive pronoun are the same as those of the personal object pronouns. The only reflexive form that is distinct is sich, which corresponds to er, sie (she), es, sie (they) and Sie (you).

Aufwachen – waking up Sich strecken – stretching Aufstehen – getting up Zähne putzen – brushing teeth Sich waschen – washing oneself Frühstücken – eating breakfast Kaffee trinken – drinking coffee Sich anziehen – getting dressed Zur Arbeit/Schule gehen – going to work/school Duschen – taking a shower

Der Verband - Bandage Der gips - Cast