Computer Science Notes

Notes From CS Undergrad Courses FSU

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Self Study 12

Easy German Video Links - Wo- Words, Da- Words

Wo - Words

Word Definition
Worauf on what
Womit with what
Wofur for what
Da translates simply to it in german, because of this a da word is always refering to a subject. For instance the word damit. Damit translates to "with it". Similarly wo translates to what.

We use da words with verbs. Da words replace the object in a sentence and so do wo words. Wo is asking about the object. For instance "Ich fahre mit dem Bus in die Stadt" meaning I go into town with the bus. Or "Wofur interssierst du dich", what are you interested in? This is asking for what you are interested in.

Da - Words

Word Definition
damit with it
darauf on it
daruber about it
davon of it
Da words consist of the word da and a preposition "an", "aus", "uber", "mit". Meaning to, from, about, and with respectively. Da words are always used in combination with verbs that are used with a prepositions. Examples being "to look for", "suchen nach" and "to remind of", "sich erinnern an". Once again da replaces the object of the sentence.

Vocab Page 266

The suffixes -heit and keit are some of the most common word formation suffixes of german nouns.

[!Wissen Sie Noch?] Feminine nouns are formed with the suffixes -e, -in, -ung and masculine nouns are formed with the suffix -er.

Adjective Noun
dunkel - dark die Dunkelheit - darkness
karank - ill die Krankheit - illness
offen - open die Offenheit - openness, candor
schon - beautiful die Schonheit - beauty
wahr - true die Wahrheit - truth
ahnlich - similar die Ahnlichkeit - similarly
offentlich - public die Offentilichkeit - public, publicty
gemeinsam - together die Gemeinsamkeit - togetherness, commonality
haufig - frequent die Haufigkeit - frequency
tatig - active die Tatigkeit - activity

Video Links - Substantive auf -heit ..., Driving Vocabulary

Auf -Heit, -Keit, -Nis und -Ung

This video covers when to capitalize / lowercase different words in German. We capitalize nouns. das Bild, die Frau, and der Hund for example.

Easy German Video

Word Definition
gemietet hired
steigt get into
Autosclussel car key
Zundschloss ignition
Kupplung clutch
Motor engine
Gang gear
Blinkt turn indication
abbigen turn off
biegt turns
Vollbremsung emergency stop

Page 271 Vocab

German Definition
die Marke -n mark, brand, model
meistens mostly, usually
der Hersteller manufacturer, maker
breit broad, wide
die Masse mass, masses
bauen to build, construct
die Produktion, -en production
die Methode, -n method
das Werk, -e factory, facility
verhindern to prevent
entstehen, ist entstanden to originate, come into being
aufhalten, aufgehalten to impede, hinder
immerhin at least, anyway
herstellen, hergestellt to make, produce

Page 149 Vocab

In conversation german speakers generally use the perfect tense to describe events.

Ich habe ein Glas Wein getrunken. I drank a glass of wine

Meili hat Basketball gespielt Meili played basketball

German forms the prefect tense with an auxiliary (haben or sein) and a past participle. These normally begin with the prefix ge-.

The auxiliary is in the second position in statements and w-words questions, but in the first position in yes/no questions.

[!Verbs with Sein] no direct object; change of location or condition


Word Definition Sentence
ankommen to arrive ich bin angekommen
aufstehen to give up ich bin aufgestanded
auftrenten to occur, to appear ich bin aufgetreten
ausgehen to go out ich bin ausgegangen
fahren to go, drive ich bin gefahren
fliegen to fly ich bin gelogen
folgen to follow ich bin gefolgt
gehen to go, walk ich bin gegangen
geschehen to happen es ist geschehen
kommen to come ich bin gekommen
laufen to run ich bin gelaufen
reisen to travel ich bin gereist
schwimmen to swim ich bin geschwommen
sterben to die ich bin gestorben

Page 227 Vocab

When talking about events that have already happened, people commonly use the verbs haben or sein in the simple past tense of the perfect tense.

ich war wir waren
du warst ihr wart
Sie waren Sie waren
er / sie / es war sie waren
ich hatte wir hatten
due hattest ihr hattet
Sie hatten Sie hatten
er / sie / es hatte sie hatten