- Born in 1596 at La Haye, in Touraine, France.
- Intellectual figure of the 17th century
- Education
- Jesuit College of Lafleche
- Poitier
- Joined army of Prince Maurice of Nassau
- Rules for the Direction of the mind
- First major philosophical project
- 1618 -> 1628
- Did not finish
- The World or Treatise on Light
- Suppressed due to Galileo's condemnation in 1633
- Discourse on Methods
- Meditations on First Philosophy
- Published with sets of objections and replies
- 1641
- Spent most of his adult life in seclusion in the Netherlands
- Died in Stockholm in 1650
- Matrial Gueroult description of meditations
- work of art in two panels
- First Panel
- First three Meditations
- ruled by the darkness of the principle of universal deception with a battle being fought against it by the truth of the existence of the self
- a mere point of light
- Second Panel
- ruled by the blinding light of Gods absolute veracity
- the principle of universal truth
- fought by the existence of error, a narrow point of darkness and seeming exception to that principle, puncturing the light of universal veracity in the same way that the existence of the self punctured darkness of universal deception
- Triumph of light over darkness
- Single block of certainty
- Meditations attempts a complete intellectual revolution
- Replacement of Aristotelian philosophy with a new philosophy
- In order to replace with a new science
- The world (cold, heat, moistness, dryness, but also others) can be explained without needing to suppose a purpose anything in their matter other than the motion, size, shape, and arrangement of its parts.
- No forms other than ones defined quantitatively
- We have nothing to fear or to hope for after this life anymore than ants or flies do
- Soul is of a nature entirely independent of the body, not subject to die with it
- God and Soul demonstrated with the aid of philosophy rather than theology
- Proven by natural reason
- Nothing is more ancient than the truth
- Aimed to prove gods existence through his natural reason
- Prove mind is distinct from the body
- The intent of Discourse for Conducting One's Reason Well and for Seeking the Truth in Sciences was to offer a sample from the readers opinion to gauge reaction to his new ideas
- I think therefore I am, nothing known belong my essence
- First Mediation
- Reasons given why we can doubt all things
- Greatest utility lies in freeing us from prejudice
- Free from all prejudices
- Is there a complete reliable way of identifying the truth
- Second Meditation
- I think therefore I am
- The mind realizes it is impossible for it to not exist during this meditation
- The annihilation of the mind does not follow from the decaying of the body
- Mind is immortal
- Third Meditation
- Our mind must be a creation of god
- Fourth Meditation
- All that we clearly and distinctly perceive is true, falsity is also explained
- No discussion of what is sin
- Only errors occur in discriminating between true and falsehood
- Fifth Meditation
- The existence of god is explained through a new proof
- Show how it is true
- Sixth Meditation
- Understanding distinguished from imagination
The mind proved to be distinct from the body
- Not having hands, eyes, flesh, blood or senses
- Falsely believing we possess these things
- These fool us into believing they are true
- Assume something is false until proven true certainly (scientific method mentioned???)
- Suppose everything I see to be false
- No senses
- "What then will be true? Perhaps just the single fact that nothing is certain"
- I must exist because even if god deceives me, I exists as long as I am to think that I am something
- Then What am I?
- The power of self motion, and sensing or thinking don't belong the the nature of the body
- Thoughts exist, nothing but a thinking thing. Mind, intellect, understanding, or reason
- I am something...?
- A thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, wills, refuses, imagines, and senses
- There is one thing I cannot doubt, and that is the fact that I am doubting
- Even if we were being "tricked" this would presuppose that I do exist
- I am real because it is a commonality within all human states, I am the actor so I exist
- __Is imagining the contemplation of shape or image of a thing?
- Wax Example
- The wax changes form, and is not concrete yet it is still wax
- A body that manifested itself to me in these ways
- Recognition cannot come from the senses since different things are from before or after
- The knowledge of the wax comes from intellect or reasoning.
- The wax's essence or sensory qualities is not essential to its nature
- I perceive the wax through my mind, not its nature
I don't really think that the idea that items don't inherently possess a sensed form is very controversial at all. If I smell something in the kitchen and I think that's pasta, there must be some form of the mind in work identifying hey that smell maps to pasta in my brain. He's kind of just saying linguistics exist.
- The wax exists for the very fact that I see it
[!Possible Interpretation]
I could be wrong, but I don't necessarily agree Descartes was saying a candle doesn't exist if we aren't "seeing it",
For if I judge that the wax exists from the fact that I see it, certainly from this same fact that I see the wax it follows much more evidently that I myself
the wax does not change, rather it is not being classified so it does not hold the same value. Kind of like saying I got this gift card I can spend it because it isn't real money. While it is the same thing we are ascribing no value to the gift card because it isn't being observed as the same state.
If I judge that the wax exists from the fact that I imag-ine it, or for any other reason, plainly the same thing follow
This candle in my hand does not possess the classification "smell" or feeling inherently. If I were to stop observing it the candle would not lose these traits, rather it is no longer classified as these observations because these observations are created by the mind.
- Derived what a thing, thought or truth is from its very nature
- Deduction is always synthetic.
[!More Thoughts]
So I am trying to reason about my interpretation, and I thought about the fire example. So it could seem that by my understanding it would be incorrect to say that the mind processes things and creates their form through our observed classification and ascribed value if we have no feeling in our arm, but we see its on the stove then why wouldn't we feel pain. I would like to present both a counter as well as a counter example to this in order to combat this understanding. This understanding presupposes what we mean by the mind. If the mind can be classify things through repeated observation it would follow that a hot stove would not hurt if you had no feeling, since you have either never experienced the nature of the form, or if you lost sense at a later point the stimuli that is associated with the pain would be dominated by senses other than sight or smell. The counter example I would present would be that of phantom pain in people with missing limbs as well. The brain will often sense the feeling as if it were on the other limb.
- Why did he want to complete this goal?
- From seeing the world from many perspectives in the army
- Reduce all of reality to mathematical things
- There is a universal method to problem solving (mechanical philosophy)
- He did not want to offend the Aristotelian's
So after doing more research specifically within the Michael Sugrue lectures I have learned that a large criticism of Descartes is that he conflates reality with linguistics. So I would say that I maybe gave him too much credit, but I was fairly on the money with my analysis.
Language binds our mind to our reality. If we can conclude our mind exists, and we can conclude that our reality must be understood through this mind. We understand that our mind is using language as a classification for commonalities. It is a generalization of what x is.
- Popularized heliocentric
- Copernicus as well
- Didn't have much evidence
- Condemned in 1633
- Closely related to the church, knew how to work the church
- Aristotelian originally
- Invented telescope
- First Person to observe sunspots
- Contrary to traditional views of infinite universe, and perfection by god
- Jupiter Belts
- The Dialog's and the Two Chief World System
- Condemned for this by the pope and many others
- Most of what is said about Galileo is false
- When you take away your senses there are still those properties per say but we cannot quantify them
- Secondaries are effects within the mind caused by the primary
- Primary maybe understood as things we can perceive objectively through senses.
- Stripping an object down to its bones
- Primary must belong to it because we cant think of something without it