Computer Science Notes

Notes From CS Undergrad Courses FSU

This project is maintained by awa03

sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++){
	sum += a[i];

Replace the for statement using an if and goto statement:

sum =0;
i =0;
goto test;
loop: sum += a[i];
test: if (i < 100) goto loop;

Then in assembly:

		li $t2, 0                           # sum = 0
		or $t3, $0, $0                      # i = 0
		j test
Loop:   sll $t5, $t3, 2                     # temp = i * 4
		add $t5, $t5, $t4                   # temp = temp + &a
		lw $t5, 0($t5)                      # load a[i] into temp
		add $t2, $t2, $t5                   # sum += temp
		addi $t3, $t3, 1                    # i++ 
Test:   slti $t5, $t3, 100                  # test i < 100
		bne $t5, $zeor, loop                # if true, goto loop

For info about registry types: [[MIPS 3]]

while (save[i] == k){

The solution within assembly will then be

# s3 <= i, s5 <= 5, *arr <= s0
LOOP:    SLL $t0, $s3, 2                  # t0 = i*4
		 ADD $t0, $t0, $s0                # *t0 = arr + i
		 LW  $t1, 0($t0)                  # t1 = arr[i]
		 BNE $t1, $s5, DONE               # Loop done is not equal
		 ADDI $s3, $s3, 1                 # i+=1
		 j LOOP                           # jump back to loop again

Example Program for finding largest value in an array

# MIPS code to find the largest element in an array

	.globl main
main:	la	$s0,Arr		# address of arr *Arr
	la	$s1,size	# address of size
	lw	$s1,0($s1)	# s1 = 12 (size of array)
	ori	$t0,$0,1	# t0 = 1 (i=1)
	lw	$s2,0($s0)	# largest (s2) = arr[0]
LOOP:	beq	$t0,$s1,DONE	# if i == size, we're done
	sll	$t1,$t0,2	# t1 = i*4
	add	$t1,$s0,$t1	# t1 = &arr[i]
	lw	$t2,0($t1)	# t2 = arr[i]
	slt	$t3,$s2,$t2	# t3 =1 if largest < arr[i]
	beq	$t3,$0,NEXT	# if t3==0, then largest was bigger
	or	$s2,$t2,$0	# largest = arr[i]
NEXT:	addi	$t0,$t0,1	# i++	
	j	LOOP		# back to condition check (if i<size)

DONE:	la	$a0,str		# Print str
	ori	$v0,$0,4	# 4 is syscall code for print string

	or	$a0,$s2,$0	# print value in s2
	ori	$v0,$0,1	# 1 is sycall code for print int	

	ori	$v0,$0,10	# 10 is syscall code for end program

Arr:	.word	17, 32, 21, -15, 99, 65, 42, 17, -80, 0, 19, 77
size:	.word	12
str:	.asciiz	"The largest value is "