Computer Science Notes

Notes From CS Undergrad Courses FSU

This project is maintained by awa03

Shift left logical (sll) move all the bits to the left by the specified number of bits (fill empty space with 0s)

s11 $t2, $t0, 2

Shift right logical (srl) move all the bits to the right (again fill empty with 0s)

srl $t2, $t0, 2

Shift right arithmetic (sra) move all the bits to the right (fill empty bits with the sign bit, 1 for negative 0 for positive)

sra $t2, $t0, 2

000000110000 >> 2 # shift right 2
-> 000000001100 

Mips Labels

if(i == j){
	k = k + i;
bne $t2, $t3, L1 #if (t2 != t3) goto l1
addu $t4, $t4, $t2
slt $t3, $t1, $t2
# set t3 to 1 if less t1 < t2. 
# else clea t3 to be 0

slti $t3, $t1, 100
# set t3 to be 1 if t1 < 100
# else clear t3 to be 0
if(a > b){
	c = a;


slt $t5, $t3, $t2 # b < a
beq $t5, $zero, L1 # if t5 == 0
or $t4, $t2, $zero #c = a

slt sets the target to 1 if the value of source 1 is less than source 2 In the above example we needed to switch the values for the comparison statement. If we wanted to add an else statement we need an unconditional jump