Computer Science Notes

Notes From CS Undergrad Courses FSU

This project is maintained by awa03

Function Review

Every time a function/subroutine is called, a stack frame is created for the function The stack frame contains areas for - Arguments - Saved registers - Return address - Local data - Some padding -

Function Call Conventions

  1. Caller right before call
  2. Callee upon entry
  3. Calle right before exit
  4. Caller upon return
// MIPS vs C++ (Mips conventions shown)


vat = calculate(a, b, c); }


int calculate(int a, int b, int c){
	// 2
	// 3
	// Store s registers
	// Restore s registers
	// Place val in v register
	return ans;

Recursive Functions

Will keep calling itself with different parameters, until a terminating condition is met

n = 3 (a0)                           // Stack Growth
res = 6 (v0)                         //    |  |
ra to main                           //    |  |
(call)                               //    |  |
n = 2 (a0)                           //    |  |
res = 2(v0)                          //  \‾‾‾‾‾‾/
ra to fact(3)                        //   \    /
(call)                               //    \  /  
n = 1 (a0)                           //     \/
res = 1 (v0)
ra to fact(2)

Demonstrates why we need to save the a registers. They, as well as ra, are very important for recursive function

The code below demonstrates how the function call should be preformed for a recursive function. The full code can be viewed [[sqrt.asm]]

	.glovl main
	addi $sp, $sp, $sp, -12                  # allocate 3 words 
	sw $a0, 0($sp)                           # store values in stack
	sw $fp, 4($sp)                           # frame pointer - 4
	sw $ra, 8($sp)                           # reg address - 8
	or $fp, $sp, $0                          # fp = stack pointer

	li $a0, 10                               # param to function = 10
	li $s2, 1                                # exit condition number
	jal fact                                 # function call

	or $s1, $v0, $0                          # save return value

	lw $ra, 8($sp)                           # restore stack
	lw $fp, 4($sp)
	lw $a0, 0($sp)