Computer Science Notes

Notes From CS Undergrad Courses FSU

This project is maintained by awa03


Why Study Computer Organization

"The Medium is the Message" - Marshall McLuhan

Abstraction is the KEY to Computing

Abstraction Examples
Multi-level translation Different Languages and systems can work together
Number Representations Applied in Networks
Processor Design and Pipelining Different architecture for diffrent needs

What is a Computer

Anything with a processor, and the ability to "compute"!

A computer is divided into 3 classes - Desktop - Servers - Embedded Computers

A PMD (personal mobile device) is a newer class of computers, that have become larger than these other types of computers. It can be carried around, however this develops the problem of conserving power. PMD have batteries, and they are portable making them diffrent than the other types.

Eight Great Architectural Ideas

Design For Moore's Law

Dennard Scaling - Law of Diminishing returns

Use of abstraction to simplify design

Make the common case fast

Via Parellelism

Via pipelining

Via Prediction

Use a hierarchy of memories

Moving some of the memory to specific places so we can find it faster

Improve dependability via redundancy

Program Levels and Translation

The computer speaks in terms of electrical signals

The Compiler only takes you as far as assembly code

Stage Definition
Compiler Translates a high-level language to assembly
Assembler Symbolic representation of instructions
Linker Combines multiple files into a single ex

For day 2 notes check [[Summer2023/CDA3100/Performance]]