Notes From CS Undergrad Courses FSU
This project is maintained by awa03
The browser functions as an interface between the user and the internet. The browser allows the user to send messages to the webserver, so that they may retrieve the requested pages.
For more information on the functioning of the webserver & user visit [[How the Internet Works]]
Browsers support customization with widgets and plugins. These help the user perform tasks, and simplify there daily processes. For example Honey, this extension searches for coupons in an attempt to save the user money.
Modern browsers may even assist in the creation of webpages due to the use of developer tools. Developer tools allow the user to see the exact HTML a website is using to display its contents. Using the developer tools we can even see a complete list of all the files that are sent to the client when the page is loaded.
If a file is incorrectly refrenced it may not appear on the page. This brings us to the importance of file management which can be seen in the following notes : [[File Management]]
Developer tools also allow the developer to see what a website will look like on diffrent screen sizes. This assists the user in solving the problem of mobile devices mentioned in [[How the Internet Works]]. This allows the developer to ensure proper web display no matter the device.
The Browser has become an indispensable tool for web development.
[[Computer Science Notes/CGS 2821/Index|Index]]