Voyage of the Beagle
- 1831 - 1836 (Captains Companion)
- Tortoises and Finches
- Set him on a course to do more academic work
- Barnacles, shorter life spans
- Can observe changes in population in a shorter amount of time
- 1846 - 1854
Origin if the species 1859
- Well received in Europe and US
- Made popular due to selective breeding
- Descent of Man (1871), evolution occurs in humans as well
- World Travel 1848-1862, South America, Malay Archipelago
- Letters to Darwin
- Taxidermy animals around the world
- Differentiation within the same species
Misconceptions about Evolution
- Lamarckian inheritance - active process of adapting
- Assumption if 'refinement' and perfection
- "Social Darwinism"
- Cultural, Ethnic and Sex/Gender Bias
- Eugenics
Scopes Monkey Trial
- Trial lasted 8 days
- Jury came back in 9 minutes
- Scopes was 'unsure' if he had actually taught evolution
- Lawsuits for public recognition
- Science Class - what should be taught
- What counts as science
- Religious elements? McClean vs Arkansa Dept of Ed 1981
- Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion
- Current Context