What counts as science?
Popper / Gould
- Falsifiability
- Observable world
- Testable
- Verifiable / Repeatable
- Predictive
- Well supported
- predictive?
Historical science
- Stems from medicine - notoriously unregulated until the mid-late 1800s
- 1847 AMA formed
- 1876 Assoc. of American Medical College
- 1910 Flexner Report (Carnegie) - many schools closed
- Phrenology
- Homeopathy
Science vs Rigorous academic research vs pseudoscience
Current-day use may be problematic
Undetermined - "Proto-Science"
- Emerging & still experimental
- As yet scientifically inconclusive
- Scientifically debated
- Lacking scientific evidence
Negative Side - "Pseudoscience"
- Scientifically unfounded claims
- Factually baseless claims
- Misinformation
- Fabrication
- Fraud (suspected or proven)